You are here: Quizzes - 20th Century Dates

20th Century Dates


  1. Start of World War I
  2. Tiananmen Square massacre
  3. End of World War II
  4. Challenger space shuttle disaster
  5. Richard Nixon resigns
  6. Martin Luther King assassinated

  7. First football World Cup
  8. Death of Queen Victoria
  9. Cuban missile crisis
  10. Russian Revolution began
  11. Margaret Thatcher becomes first UK female Prime Minister
  12. Nelson Mandela released from prison
  13. Chernobyl nuclear disaster
  14. First man on the Moon
  15. September 11 attacks
  16. Iraq invades Kuwait
  17. Jesse Owens Olympics
  18. Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat
  19. The Titanic sinks
  20. Death of Diana, Princess of Wales
  21. Woodstock
  22. Iranian revolution and year the Shah leaves Iran for exile
  23. Falklands War
  24. Death of Sir Winston Churchill
  25. O.J. Simpson trial
  26. Fall of the Berlin Wall
  27. Attack on Pearl Harbor
  28. First airplane flight
  29. End of Vietnam War
  30. Assassination of John F. Kennedy


  1. 1914 - Start of World War I
  2. 1989 - Tiananmen Square massacre
  3. 1945 - End of World War II
  4. 1986 - Challenger space shuttle disaster
  5. 1974 - Richard Nixon resigns
  6. 1968 - Martin Luther King assassinated
  7. 1930 - First football World Cup
  8. 1901 - Death of Queen Victoria
  9. 1962 - Cuban missile crisis
  10. 1917 - Russian Revolution began
  11. 1979 - Margaret Thatcher becomes first UK female Prime Minister
  12. 1990 - Nelson Mandela released from prison
  13. 1986 - Chernobyl nuclear disaster
  14. 1969 - First man on the Moon
  15. 2001 - September 11 attacks
  16. 1990 - Iraq invades Kuwait
  17. 1936 - Jesse Owens Olympics
  18. 1955 - Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat
  19. 1912 - The Titanic sinks
  20. 1997 - Death of Diana, Princess of Wales
  21. 1969 - Woodstock
  22. 1979 - Iranian revolution and year the Shah leaves Iran for exile
  23. 1982 - Falklands War
  24. 1965 - Death of Sir Winston Churchill

  25. 1995 - O.J. Simpson trial
  26. 1989 - Fall of the Berlin Wall
  27. 1941 - Attack on Pearl Harbor
  28. 1903 - First airplane flight
  29. 1975 - End of Vietnam War
  30. 1963 - Assassination of John F. Kennedy