You are here: 10 Questions - Hitchcock Films

Alfred Hitchcock Films

Quiz - Test your Hitchcock film knowledge

  1. Which 1963 American horror-thriller set in Bodega Bay, California, is loosely based on a 1952 short story of the same name by Daphne du Maurier?
  2. Which classic Hitchcock film stars James Stewart as retired police detective "Scottie" Ferguson?
  3. Which landmark is the location of the final chase scene in the 1959 film North by Northwest?

  4. Which actress played "Marnie" in the 1964 American psychological thriller of the same name?
  5. Which actress starred in three consecutive Alfred Hitchcock suspense thrillers including Dial M for Murder and To Catch a Thief?
  6. Which 1929 film was not only Hitchcock’s first hit movie, but also the first "talkie" film released in Britain?
  7. In which film is photographer Jeff Jefferies confined to a wheelchair in his apartment whilst recuperating from a broken leg?
  8. In which 1972 film does Barry Foster play a serial killer in contemporary London who frames an ex-RAF serviceman for the murders he commits?
  9. Which Hitchcock character believes that he is his own mother when he dresses in her clothes?
  10. Who was seen carrying a double bass case onto a train at the beginning of Strangers on a Train?
  11. Actress Margaret Lockwood said about which Hitchcock film: "one of the films I have enjoyed most in all my career"?
  12. Which 1940 psychological thriller was the only Hitchcock film to win Best Picture at the Oscars?


  1. The Birds
  2. Vertigo
  3. Mount Rushmore
  4. Tippi Hedren
  5. Grace Kelly
  6. Blackmail
  7. Rear Window
  8. Frenzy
  9. Norman Bates (Psycho)
  10. Alfred Hitchcock (who made one of his 40 cameo appearances in this film)
  11. The Lady Vanishes
  12. Rebecca

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