Quizzes > Anatomy Quiz Questions

Welcome to our Anatomy Quizzes all about human biology

Quiz Questions I

  1. Name the longest bone in the human body?
  2. How many pairs of ribs are there in a man's rib cage?
  3. Which is the largest organ in the human body?
  4. What name is given to the 'soft spot' on a newly born baby's head?
  5. Which hollow pear-shaped organ, that sits in a shallow depression below the right lobe of the liver, is roughly 9 centimetres in length and 4 centimetres in diameter when full?
  6. What name is given to the process by which new bone is produced?
  7. Which muscle is made up of two muscles, the gastrocnemius and the soleus?
  8. True or false. Red blood cells and most white blood cells are produced in bone marrow?
  9. Which protein is a basic compnent of hair and nails, and is also found in skin?
  10. What anatomical name is given to the final segment of the spine?
  11. What name is given to the circular muscle that normally maintains constriction of a natural body passage and which relaxes as required by normal physiological functioning?
  12. If 'proximal' means a body part is closer to the central line, what adjective means it is farther?
  13. Which organ in the human body filters blood and helps the body fight infections, but it's not essential for survival?
  14. Name the only internal human organ capable of natural regeneration or growing back if part of it is lost through injury or disease?
  15. Desmology is the branch of anatomy which studies and concerns what?
  16. What phrase refers to the two lowermost rib pairs because they are attached only to the vertebrae and not to the sternum?
  17. True or false. Your nose and ears never stop growing until the day you die?
  18. True or false. A man has a pair of ribs less than a woman?
  19. If skin is thickest on your feet, where is it the thinnest?
  20. The average life of a taste bud is: (a)10 days, (b)10 weeks, (c)10 months, or (d)10 years?


  1. Femur
  2. 12 pairs
  3. The skin
  4. Fontanelle
  5. Gallbladder
  6. Ossification
  7. Calf muscle
  8. True
  9. Keratin
  10. Coccyx (tailbone)
  11. A sphincter
  12. Distal
  13. The spleen
  14. The liver (as little as 25% of a liver can regenerate into a whole liver)
  15. Ligaments
  16. Floating or false ribs
  17. True (Bones stop growing after puberty but cartilage continues to grow until the day you die)
  18. False (both have the same amount!)
  19. Eyelids
  20. 10 days

Quiz Questions II

  1. The frontalis muscle is found in which part of the body?
  2. What does the orbital cavity contain?

  3. The phalanges are the bones that make up the fingers of the hand and the toes of the foot; how many phalanges are there in each hand?
  4. Is the hyoid a bone, small organ, gland, muscle or ligament?
  5. In anatomy, what name is given to a wall, dividing a cavity or structure into smaller ones?
  6. How many chambers does the human heart have?
  7. What is the name of the tendon on the back of your ankle?
  8. Where exactly are your tricep muscles?
  9. True or false. In an adult human, 10% of their bones are in the feet?
  10. The patella is the scientific name for where?
  11. The part of the brain called the cerebral cortex can be divided into four sections, what are these sections generally called? (one word answer needed)
  12. Name the largest muscle in the body?
  13. How many bones does an adult human skeleton have?
  14. Where in the body is the medulla oblongata located?
  15. Which glands located in the roof of the mouth, where the nose connects to the throat, often disappear by adulthood?
  16. What is the common everyday name for the trachea?
  17. What is the second largest organ in the body?
  18. Can you name the muscular tube about 8 inches long that connects the throat with the stomach?
  19. Name the longest and widest single nerve in the human body?
  20. What's the alternative name for the breastbone?


  1. Forehead (it only serves for facial expressions)
  2. The eye
  3. 14 (3 in each finger and the thumb has 2)
  4. A bone (it's the only bone not connected to another and is located at the base of the tongue. )
  5. Septum
  6. Four

  7. Achilles tendon
  8. Back of the upper arms
  9. False (it's 25%)
  10. Kneecap
  11. Lobes (the frontal lobe, parietal lobe, temporal lobe and the occipital lobe)
  12. Gluteus Maximus (commonly called the buttocks)
  13. 206
  14. The brain
  15. The adenoids
  16. Windpipe
  17. Liver
  18. The esophagus
  19. The sciatic nerve (it begins in the lower back, runs through the buttock and down to the lower limb)
  20. Sternum