You are here: 10 Questions - Different Names for Santa Claus

Santa Claus from Around the World

Different Names for Santa Claus

  1. Babbo Natale - Italy
  2. Father Christmas - United Kingdom
  3. Papa Noel - Spain
  4. Pere Noel - France

  5. Santa Claus - US and Canada
  6. Pai Natal - Portugal
  7. Noel Baba - Turkey
  8. Jultomten - Sweden
  9. Kanakaloka - Hawaii
  10. Sinterklaas - Netherlands
  11. Dyado Koleda - Bulgaria
  12. Joulupukki - Finland
  13. Weihnachtsmann - Germany
  14. Ayios Vassileios - Greece
  15. Santa-san (Mr Santa) - Japan
  16. Julenisse - Norway
  17. Yule Lads - Iceland (there are 13 Icelandic Santa Clauses called Yule lads or 'Jolasveinar' in Icelandic)
  18. Samichlaus - Switzerland
  19. Ded Moroz (Grandfather Frost) - Russia and East Slavic countries
  20. Kris Kringle - United States after the lead character in Miracle on 34th Street

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