You are here: 10 Questions - Good Vocabulary Words

Good Vocabulary Words (for a Quiz)

Words and their meanings...

  1. Perfunctory ... carried out without real interest, effort, or enthusiasm.
  2. Capricious... given to sudden and unaccountable changes of behaviour or mood.
  3. Erbose... wordy; using or containing too many words.
  4. Sycophant... a person who tries too eagerly to agree with or please someone important in order to gain advantage.

  5. Supercilious... having or showing arrogant superiority.
  6. Alacrity... cheerful willingness.
  7. Obsequious... obedient or attentive to an excessive or servile degree.
  8. Ersatz... made or used as a substitute, typically artificial and inferior.
  9. Bellicose... demonstrating aggression and willingness to fight.
  10. Egregious... outstandingly bad; shocking.
  11. Indolent... wanting to avoid activity or exertion; habitually lazy.
  12. Panacea... a remedy or solution for all difficulties or diseases.
  13. Misnomer... an incorrect or inaccurate name or designation.
  14. Obfuscate... make obscure, unclear, or unintelligible.
  15. Cacophony... a harsh discordant mixture of sounds.
  16. Quintessential... perfectly typical or representative of a particular kind of person or thing.
  17. Convivial... friendly.
  18. Ephemeral... lasting a very short time.
  19. Machinations... a plot or scheme.
  20. Verbatim... in exactly the same words as were used originally.
  21. Ubiquitous... present, appearing, or found everywhere.
  22. Nefarious... an action or activity that is wicked or criminal.
  23. Dulcet... sweet and soothing; especially a sweet and soothing sound.
  24. Innocuous... harmless.
  25. Elucidate... make clear; explain.