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Welcome to our Greek Alphabet Quiz Page

The Greek Alphabet

  1. 1st: Alpha
  2. 2nd: Beta
  3. 3rd: Gamma

  4. 4th: Delta
  5. 5th: Epsilon
  6. 6th: Zeta
  7. 7th: Eta
  8. 8th: Theta
  9. 9th: Iota
  10. 10th: Kappa
  11. 11th: Lambda
  12. 12th: Mu
  13. 13th: Nu
  14. 14th: Xi
  15. 15th: Omikron
  16. 16th: Pi
  17. 17th: Rho
  18. 18th: Sigma
  19. 19th: Tau
  20. 20th: Upsilon
  21. 21st: Phi
  22. 22nd: Chi
  23. 23rd: Psi
  24. 24th: Omega

Greek Alphabet Question Ideas...

  1. How many letters are there in the Greek alphabet? Answer - 24
  2. Which letter comes seventh in the Greek alphabet? Answer - eta
  3. Which letter of the Greek alphabet is also a well known Italian sportswear brand? Answer - kappa
  4. What is the last letter of the Greek alphabet? Answer - omega
  5. Name the fantasy adventure novel by Yann Martel published in 2001? Answer - Life of Pi
  6. In maths, the coefficient of friction is often symbolized by which Greek letter? Answer - Mu
  7. This can be a derogatory term for the lowest class in the Japanese feudal era or the letter before theta in the Greek alphabet? Answer - eta
  8. Which phrase meaning "not the slightest amount" can be formed using a Greek letter? Answer - "not one iota"

  9. What links the 2003 Best Supporting Actress Academy Award winner with the 6th letter of the Greek alphabet? Answer - Catherine 'Zeta' Jones
  10. Which letter of the Greek alphabet starts with the letter 'o'? Answer - omikron

Phew. Just some greek alphabet question ideas. Have fun making your own.