Quizzes > Junior Quiz Questions

Welcome to our Quizzes for Younger People - suitable for a junior school quiz

Quiz Questions I

  1. In which century are we now living?
  2. At a hospital, what do the initials A & E stand for?

  3. Starting with the letter 'L', what name is given to a shallow body of water separated from a larger body of water by barrier islands or reefs?
  4. On a graph, the vertical axis is named after which letter?
  5. Buenos Aires is the capital of which country?
  6. Who was the first person to walk on the moon?
  7. H2O is the chemical formula for what?
  8. Which 'A' is the family of animals that toads and frogs belong to?
  9. What man's name can you say instead of "LOUD AND CLEAR" when using a walkie-talkie?
  10. Which planet is nearest the sun?
  11. What name is given to a calculating device made up of beads that slide across a metal rod?
  12. How many years are there in a millennium?
  13. Who wrote The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn?
  14. Which tool is used for knocking in nails?
  15. What kind of dozen is 13?
  16. What is the currency of Germany, France and Spain?
  17. In the medical profession, what do the initials ‘GP’ stand for?
  18. What is the process of forming vessels with clay, which are fired at high temperatures to give them a hard form?
  19. In size, what is the world's second largest continent, behind Asia?
  20. What colour is the door of 10 Downing Street?


  1. Twenty-first
  2. Accident and Emergency
  3. Lagoon
  4. The letter 'Y'
  5. Argentina
  6. Neil Armstrong
  7. Water
  8. Amphibians
  9. Roger
  10. Mercury
  11. Abacus
  12. 1000 years
  13. Mark Twain
  14. A hammer
  15. A baker's dozen
  16. Euro
  17. General practitioner
  18. Pottery
  19. Africa
  20. Black

Quiz Questions I

  1. What is the motto of the Boy Scouts?
  2. How many seasons are there?
  3. What is 15% of 50?
  4. St Patrick banished snakes from which European country?
  5. Nelson Mandella was President of which country?
  6. Arnold Schwarzenegger was Governor of which American State?
  7. What is the only American State that begins with the letter 'P'?
  8. An invertebrate is an animal that lacks what?
  9. Which country's flag has a maple leaf in its centre?
  10. Which 'F' is a preserved remains or impression, of a plant or animal from a past geological age?
  11. Which month of the year has least letters in its name?
  12. What name is given to the layer inside the planet Earth just below the crust?
  13. Which English king had six wives?
  14. Chiropody is a branch of medicine that deals with which part of the body?
  15. According to the proverb, what should you never judge a book by?
  16. What name is given to the small cubes of bread served in soup?
  17. The Netherlands is a country often referred to by which other name?
  18. Which section of the orchestra do violins and cellos belong to?
  19. The Maori are the native people of which country?
  20. At the beginning of which game, is it love-love when both sides have no score?


  1. Be Prepared
  2. Four (Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn)
  3. 7.50
  4. Ireland
  5. South Africa
  6. California
  7. Pennsylvania
  8. A backbone
  9. Canada's

  10. Fossil
  11. May
  12. Mantle
  13. Henry VIII (8th)
  14. Feet
  15. Its cover
  16. Croutons
  17. Holland
  18. String section
  19. New Zealand
  20. Tennis