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Liz Truss

Quiz Questions

  1. What is Liz Truss's first name? This name is also former Prime Minister Theresa May's middle name.
  2. At university, Truss was active in which political party?
  3. She was elected as the MP for the south west of which English county at the 2010 general election?
  4. What did a 19-year-old Liz Truss call to be abolished?

  5. With reference to food, Liz Truss once said it was a disgrace that we import two thirds of our what?
  6. What degree did Liz Truss read at Merton College, Oxford, graduating in 1996?
  7. She is married to an accountant. What is his name?
  8. How many children does Liz Truss have?
  9. Her father is an emeritus professor in which subject?
  10. From 1996 to 2000, Truss worked for which British company?
  11. Aged 12, Liz Truss spent a year at Parkcrest Elementary School in which country?
  12. She one described Welsh First Minister Mark Drakeford as a "low energy version of who"?


  1. Mary (Mary Elizabeth Truss)
  2. Liberal Democrats
  3. Norfolk (South West Norfolk)
  4. The monarchy
  5. Cheese, or apples (are both correct)
  6. Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE)
  7. Hugh O’Leary
  8. Two (two daughters: Frances, and Liberty)
  9. Mathematics (pure mathematics)
  10. Shell
  11. Canada
  12. Jeremy Corbyn

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