You are here: 10 Questions - Metal ores

Metal Ores Quiz Questions and Answers

Which main metal comes from the following ores.

Questions - metal ores

  1. Argentite
  2. Galena
  3. Cinnabar
  4. Bauxite
  5. Hematite

  6. Cassiterite
  7. Chalcocite
  8. Pyrolusite
  9. Wolframite
  10. Pyrolusite
  11. Stibnite
  12. Nickel


  1. Silver - Argentite
  2. Lead - Galena
  3. Mercury - Cinnabar
  4. Aluminium - Bauxite
  5. Iron - Hematite
  6. Tin - Cassiterite
  7. Copper - Chalcocite
  8. Manganese - Pyrolusite
  9. Tungsten - Wolframite
  10. Manganese - Pyrolusite
  11. Antimony - Stibnite
  12. Nickel - Pentlandite

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