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Robotics Quiz

Test your robotics knowledge

  1. What term is the control of mechanical force generated by liquid under pressure?
  2. The term ‘robot’ comes from the Czech word ‘Robota’ which means: (a) forced labour, (b) human like, or (c) technology?
  3. Which science fiction author coined the term The Three Laws of Robotics? It was one of the first serious considerations of the ethical aspects of robotics.

  4. In medicine, what is an artificial device that replaces a missing body part?
  5. What term coined in 1960 by Manfred Clynes and Nathan S. Kline is a being with both organic and biomechatronic body parts?
  6. NASA has sent several robotic vehicles to Mars. What does NASA call these vehicles?
  7. What term can be a robot with a human appearance and also an open-source operating system used for tablet computers?
  8. Which industry was the first pioneer of industrial robots?
  9. Which form of logic deals with approximate values, as opposed to logic signals which are true or false only?
  10. What is the name given to the study of motion, as applied to robots?
  11. What name is given to the control of mechanical force and movement, generated by the application of compressed gas?
  12. What was the name of the bioengineered humanoids featured in the 1982 film Blade Runner?
  13. Commonly known as a drone, what does the acronym UAV stand for?
  14. In robotics, the number of independent modes in which a robot can operate is called 'degrees of' what?
  15. What well known term means a series of lines of code that a robot can use to perform certain instructions?
  16. Which popular programming language used across the robotics industry is also the official programming language of the Raspberry Pi?


  1. Hydraulics
  2. (a) forced labour
  3. Isaac Asimov
  4. Prosthesis
  5. Cyborg
  6. Rovers
  7. Android
  8. Car industry
  9. Fuzzy logic
  10. Kinematics
  11. Pneumatics
  12. Replicants
  13. Unmanned aerial vehicle
  14. Degrees of freedom
  15. Algorithm
  16. Python