You are here: 10 Questions - Summer Words

Summer Words

All the following solutions/answers contain the word summer!

  1. Name fictional coastal town featured in the Australian soap, Home and Away?
  2. Who was the "Queen of Disco"?
  3. Which aria was composed in 1934 by George Gershwin for the opera Porgy and Bess?
  4. Which social phenomenon occurred during the summer of 1967 when thousands of young people converged in San Francisco's neighborhood of Haight-Ashbury?

  5. What name is given to the vast ensemble of lakes, gardens and palaces in Beijing which are a masterpiece of Chinese landscape garden design?
  6. Which 1983 British TV drama series written by Willy Russell starred David Morrissey and Spencer Leigh as two 16-year-old Liverpool boys?
  7. A comedy written by William Shakespeare set in Athens?
  8. "Summer lovin', happened so fast" is a line from which song?
  9. This occurs when one of Earth's poles has its maximum tilt toward the Sun?
  10. A 1963 British musical film starring Cliff Richard?
  11. Name the guitarist who was a member of the rock band the Police?
  12. The longest-running TV sitcom in the world?
  13. Song recorded by Bryan Adams from his fourth album, Reckless?
  14. "Blowing through the jasmines in my mind" is a line from which song?


  1. Summer Bay
  2. Donna Summer
  3. Summertime
  4. Summer of Love
  5. The Summer Palace
  6. One Summer
  7. A Midsummer Night's Dream
  8. Summer Nights
  9. Summer solstice, or midsummer
  10. Summer Holiday
  11. Andy Summers
  12. Last of the Summer Wine
  13. Summer of 69
  14. Summer Breeze