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The Hobbit

Quiz Questions

  1. Which fictional continent serves as the setting for The Hobbit?
  2. What frightening creature lives deep in a cave in the Misty Mountains?
  3. What is the full title of J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit?
  4. What is the name of the dragon guarding the treasure in the Lonely Mountain?
  5. Who is the wizard that recruits Bilbo for the adventure?
  6. Which forest do Bilbo and the company travel through, where they encounter giant spiders?
  7. How many dwarves accompany Bilbo on the journey to the Lonely Mountain?
  8. The One Ring grants the wearer what ability?
  9. What is the name of the great battle at the end of the book?
  10. What type of animal can Beorn transform into?
  11. What is the name of Bilbo Baggins’ underground home?
  12. Who is the archer that slays Smaug?
  13. In which decade was The Hobbit first published?
  14. What does The Hobbit describe as large and heavy-faced, with legs as thick as tree trunks?
  15. What sort of contest does Bilbo play with Gollum, where the prize is his life?
  16. What happens to trolls when they are exposed to sunlight?
  17. Who was originally a hobbit named Sméagol?
  18. What items of clothing does Bilbo lose during his escape from Gollum?
  19. Thorin Oakenshield is the leader of the Company of what?
  20. Who directed The Hobbit fantasy adventure films?


  1. Middle-earth
  2. Gollum
  3. The Hobbit, or There and Back Again
  4. Smaug
  5. Gandalf
  6. Mirkwood
  7. Thirteen
  8. Invisibility
  9. The Battle of the Five Armies
  10. A bear
  11. Bag End
  12. Bard the Bowman
  13. 1930s (1937)
  14. The trolls
  15. A riddle contest
  16. They turn to stone
  17. Gollum
  18. Buttons from his jacket
  19. Dwarves (Company of Dwarves)
  20. Peter Jackson