You are here: Quizzes - The Hobbit
Quiz Questions
- Which fictional continent serves as the setting for The Hobbit?
- What frightening creature lives deep in a cave in the Misty Mountains?
- What is the full title of J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit?
- What is the name of the dragon guarding the treasure in the Lonely Mountain?
- Who is the wizard that recruits Bilbo for the adventure?
- Which forest do Bilbo and the company travel through, where they encounter giant spiders?
- How many dwarves accompany Bilbo on the journey to the Lonely Mountain?
- The One Ring grants the wearer what ability?
- What is the name of the great battle at the end of the book?
- What type of animal can Beorn transform into?
- What is the name of Bilbo Baggins’ underground home?
- Who is the archer that slays Smaug?
- In which decade was The Hobbit first published?
- What does The Hobbit describe as large and heavy-faced, with legs as thick as tree trunks?
- What sort of contest does Bilbo play with Gollum, where the prize is his life?
- What happens to trolls when they are exposed to sunlight?
- Who was originally a hobbit named Sméagol?
- What items of clothing does Bilbo lose during his escape from Gollum?
- Thorin Oakenshield is the leader of the Company of what?
- Who directed The Hobbit fantasy adventure films?
- Middle-earth
- Gollum
- The Hobbit, or There and Back Again
- Smaug
- Gandalf
- Mirkwood
- Thirteen
- Invisibility
- The Battle of the Five Armies
- A bear
- Bag End
- Bard the Bowman
- 1930s (1937)
- The trolls
- A riddle contest
- They turn to stone
- Gollum
- Buttons from his jacket
- Dwarves (Company of Dwarves)
- Peter Jackson