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IT Quiz I

  1. What is the name given to a network designed to allow communication within an organization?
  2. Apple, HP, and Microsoft were all started in what sort of building?
  3. What sort of animal is Tux, the official mascot of the Linux operating system?
  4. In July 2017, Adobe Systems made headlines by announcing it was going to phase out which plug-in by the end of 2020?
  5. What does the acronym BIOS stand for?
  6. Which letter do your press with the 'control button' to select the contents of an entire web page?
  7. Which digital currency is the most well known cryptocurrency?
  8. What term is used for a network security system that prevents unauthorized access to or from a private network?
  9. What is the name of the well known spreadsheet software developed by Microsoft?
  10. For what does the acronym IT stand?
  11. Which university was Mark Zuckerberg attending when he launched Facebook?
  12. What does the acronym LCD stand for?
  13. Which web browser is run by the Mozilla Corporation?
  14. What is the meaning of ‘CC’ with reference to E-mail?
  15. Which company in 2001, overtook Compaq as the largest supplier of home-use PCs?
  16. Presto is the layout engine for which browser?
  17. What did Niklas Zennstrom and Janus Friis found?
  18. Who is considered to be The Father of Artificial Intelligence?
  19. How many bits are there in a byte?
  20. What was was created in March 2006 by Jack Dorsey?


  1. Intranet
  2. A garage
  3. Penguin
  4. Flash Player
  5. Basic Input-Output Services
  6. The letter 'A'
  7. Bitcoin
  8. Firewall
  9. Excel
  10. Information Technology
  11. Harvard
  12. Liquid Crystal Display
  13. Firefox
  14. Carbon copy
  15. Dell
  16. Opera
  17. Skype
  18. John McCarthy
  19. 8
  20. Twitter

IT Quiz II

  1. Who is considered the father of computers?
  2. information technolgy question
    Question 1 - father of computers?

  3. Which company invented the floppy disk in 1971?
  4. What nationality is Julian Assange, the founder of Wikileaks?
  5. What does WWW stand for?
  6. What does CAD stand for?
  7. What did Apple launch in 2003 to support the 2001 launched iPod?
  8. Which of the following is not a type of web image: PNG, GIF, LPG or JPG?
  9. In 1943 Thomas Watson chairman of IBM said there was a world market for how many computers?
  10. What does the 'F' stand for in the acronym FORTRAN?
  11. In computing there are 8 bits to a byte, what are 4 bits called?
  12. Which is older: 'Email' or 'The World Wide Web'?
  13. Which country is represented by the internet domain abbreviation 'ch'?
  14. Why is the domain Symbolics.com famous?
  15. What does DVD stand for?
  16. Firefox and Safari are types of what?
  17. What is the capacity of a standard 1980's PC floppy disc: (a)1. 2MB (b)1.44K (c)1.44MB (d)120MB?
  18. What piece of computer equipment was invented by Douglas Engelbart of Stanford Research Institute in 1963?
  19. What is the highest digit that can appear in an Octal number system?
  20. Gas, solid state and diode are the three types of what?
  21. Shuffle, Nano, Touch and Classic are variations of what?


  1. Charles Babbage
  2. IBM
  3. Australian
  4. World Wide Web
  5. Computer Aided Design
  6. iTunes
  7. LPG
  8. Five
  9. Formula
  10. A nibble
  11. Email
  12. Switzerland
  13. First ever domain name registered
  14. Digital Versatile Disk
  15. Web browsers
  16. 1.44MB
  17. The Mouse
  18. Seven
  19. Laser
  20. Apple iPod

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